Naviance Career Interest Profiler
I enjoyed taking this survey. It is interesting to me to take surveys to reflect on myself and bring attention to what I may be interested in. I was able to think about what I may or may not want to do as a career and then analyze the results given to me. Looking back on my results I believe that they were somewhat accurate. I think that it was interesting that I got green in all six categories since I'm not certain what I want to be doing. However, I feel that the two categories it gave me a three in were definitely the two I relate with most. I really enjoy art and have fun with spontaneous things and as described artistic can be work done without following clear rules. I also agree with social because I am very interested in helping others and communicating with people. This is along the lines of what I'm hoping to do for my LINK internship, missions work.
Briggs Myers' Test
I enjoy this test because the results are always very detailed and it is interesting to me to read the results to see what I agree and disagree with. I took this test once before and I was ISFP, Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. This time I got INFP which is the same except instead of Sensing it is intuitive. However, it says I have marginal or no preference between the two. I agree with these results because when reading the two different personality types I find myself agreeing with many things said in both types.
INFP Type:
ISFP Type:
INFP Type:
ISFP Type: